When Do You Need Repiping?

You will need to get your pipes changed when you encounter major plumbing issues at home. Among the key issues that demand repiping include corrosion, aging, internal damage, and a plumbing system that hasn’t been updated for years. EJ Home Services reveals further details on some of the common issues that warrant repiping services in Santa Clara, CA after the jump.
Older pipes in older homes
Any existing or newly bought homes dating back to the 70s needs to have their plumbing checked. House plumbing systems are usually good for its first 50 years and needs upgrading beyond that period. After its initial period, these pipes begin to deteriorate and get damaged.
Many of these older pipes are made of materials that are no longer suited in the plumbing industry such as galvanized steel, polybutylene, or lead. In that case, you may need whole house repiping to make your plumbing safe.
Unclear and colored tap water
Any discoloration or turbidity in your tap water is not a good sign. Over the years, rust, corrosion, sediments, and various deposits will corrupt your flowing tap water. Pipe cleaning may not be effective anymore due to internal damage. Get home repiping services now. You can get serious health issues from using compromised tap water even if you’re not drinking it.
Recurring leaks
If you notice pools of water in different parts of your house, this may be a sign of failing house plumbing. Leaks not only increase your water bills, but also cause water damage and molds to your home. Older pipes can get damaged or loosened in connecting parts, and when left unchecked, will worsen over time. You need to get a repipe job to secure your home plumbing system and keep it leak-free.
Get repiping services in Santa Clara
Your home plumbing system will give you signs that it needs serious repair. Don’t miss or ignore them, and get to the root of the problem at once before things get worse. EJ Home Services, the trusted local repipe specialists in Sta Clara, urge you to take care of them right away.
Trust the local experts in home repipes – Call the EJ Home Services team today.

Worried about an electrical or plumbing problem?
When you need electrical or plumbing services in San Jose, Santa Clara, or any of the communities in the surrounding Bay Area, count on EJ Home Services. With more than a decade of industry experience, our expertly-trained technicians can handle just about any problem you may have. From drain cleaning to water leaks, sewer line replacements, toilet repairs, electrical repair, upgrades, and more, you can rely on us for all your needs. We even offer emergency services upon availability for serious issues that just can't wait. Our dependable team is always available to assist you.